Antonis Tritsis

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Purpose of the Program
The main purpose of the new development and solidarity program of the self-government with the symbolic name “Antonis Tritsis” is the implementation of an integrated strategic planning of development perspective and social solidarity through the bodies of the self-government.

Objectives of the “Antonis Tritsis” Program
the improvement and modernization of the basic infrastructure of first- and second-grade OTAs of the Associations of Municipalities and of the legal entities of OTAs, with the aim of sustainable development and the safety and quality of life of citizens,
the restart of social and economic life, the normalization of the consequences of the crisis due to the coronavirus, the protection of public health and the strengthening of social cohesion and the local economy,
the execution of actions and initiatives of social cohesion and solidarity and in particular the support of the social service provision structures of the local government,
the introduction of IT and communication technologies in the relationship between local government and the citizen with the aim of consolidating the concept of digital culture,
the strengthening of the response of the administration in the areas of competence of the local government with the continuous integration of new needs and requirements and the modernization of the institution of civil protection at the local level.
Axes of the “Antonis Tritsis” Program
Civil protection (acquisition of equipment and means and strengthening of administrative capacity for the effective execution of assigned tasks), protection of public health and in particular actions to protect the population from the spread of the coronavirus pandemic COVID-19, actions of technical assistance of the beneficiaries for the implementation of the Program
Quality of life and orderly functioning of the cities, the countryside, the settlements (construction of necessary infrastructure projects, protection of the homeless, etc. as well as strengthening the administrative capacity and responsiveness of the local authorities)
Environment (sustainable development with a strong environmental footprint, energy saving actions, renewable energy actions, water, liquid and solid waste management, etc.)
Digital Convergence [Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), Internet of Things (IoT) applications, smart digital technologies, with application to local administrative practice and the daily life of citizens and the aim of transforming cities into “smart cities”]
social cohesion and solidarity (social cohesion actions for the effective implementation of social protection and solidarity programs for all citizens as well as special programs for vulnerable social groups, with the main aim of removing or mitigating social exclusion)
Education, culture, tourism and sports (such as building schools, utilization of municipal property, alternative tourism, etc.)

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