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Home Δημότης Deputy Mayors TSIAMANTAS STEFANOS
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Telephones: 24413 52220 ● Email: sttsiamantas@gmail.com Deputy Mayor


– Supervision and responsibility of the Cleanliness, the Environment of the Municipality of Limni Plastira.
-Responsibility for the cleanliness of all common areas of the territorial district of the Municipality, the collection and management of waste, and the organization and disposal of the means and human resources required each time at a central level.
-Supervision of environmental protection studies and projects, Prasinos.
-Responsibility of Forests, municipal and community farmlands and pastures, protection and management of water resources.
-Supervision and responsibility of cemeteries in Nevropolis Municipal Unit.
-Environment and Town planning issues.
-Cleaning and recycling.
-Responsibility for monitoring projects, works and studies in the Municipal unit of Nevropolis.
-Responsibility for Water Supply, Irrigation and their damage.
– Coordination of Presidents of Local Communities and the operation of Services and offices.
-Certificates of original signatures, age of buildings and permanent residence.
– Dealing with emergencies of all kinds
-Responsible for the management of sports fields, playgrounds, municipal cemeteries in the Municipal unit of Nevropolis.
-Responsibility for municipal electric lighting and dealing with its faults in the Municipal Unit of Nevropolis.
– Performance of civil weddings in the absence of the Mayor
-Snow removal in the Nevropolis Municipal unit.
-Agricultural road construction in the Municipal unit of Nevropolis.

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